We have a certified parachute “rigger” whom can pack your chute to keep it current. We charge 100.00 for this service. Saves you from taking the risk of shipping the chute in two directions across the country and risk of piercing the shipping carton en route. Our rigger does not repack chutes that have canopies that are over 20 years in age.
We are proud to stock the Strong Parachute line. We were introduced to the 306 “Squadron” parachute by Thom Richards at Warbird Adventures when we took some T6 Warbird Training in Florida in 2019. This is a premier seat pack model that has a “static line” feature that “pulls” the two pins on the parachute pack when the pilot or passenger exits the plane in an emergency. Although it still has a conventional D ring for personal deployment, this provides an automatic “open” method if a passenger is unfamiliar with use of an emergency chute. We’ve also been told by Reno race pilots that the chance of an arm, wrist or hand injury is high when exciting a higher powered warbird with a canopy at considerable speed which could interfere with parachute deployment.
Strong offers many different “models.” The one we used in Florida in the T6 was our first experience with this manufacturer and we were very impressed. Extremely comfortable and user friendly in a busy cockpit. We continuously stock the models 304, and 306 Squadron, 311 Wedge with Aerobatic Harness and 314 so we can help pilots in Stearmans, Waco’s, Warbirds, RV’s, Citabrias, Decathlons, Extras, Pitts and advanced composite Gliders. You can visit Strong’s Website for a full description of each model which is space prohibitive to post on this page.
Two important details here make Olde Thyme “unique” for consideration for your Strong Parachute Purchase.
1.) We try to maintain an inventory of “finished stock” at the factory that we already have bought and paid for so that we can “drop ship” directly to you with a fresh factory canopy packing. This keeps you from having to wait 3-4 months for peak season production. We stock up each winter this way, but the canopy is not packed until several days before your shipment goes out. All shipping costs are FOB Orlando, Florida………..
2.) We use Strong’s suggested retail pricing BUT we add two additional features for you that adds $ 315.00 more value to your purchase otherwise. First, we add to the 306 Squadron, the “static line” cord we described above which is not included in the suggested retail price. The “static line” normally costs $ 150.00 to add to your purchase. Second, we build parachutes for Olde Thyme Aviation using Strong’s Quick Ejector buckles (3) instead of D-ring cinches. This allows for quick entry and exit for most pilots that prefer to leave their chutes in their planes all the time instead of climbing in and out of the plane with them. These 3 buckles normally run $165.00 on your order. Once again, Olde Thyme Aviation includes these with your order as our way to extend to you a discount. We offer this discount if you are an AOPA, EAA, SRA, NATA or retired military.
Strong Parachutes

Featured Product Strong Parachute #314
304 Solid OD 304 Solid OD 303-2
National Parachutes
PATTY WAGSTAFF — 3-time US National Aerobatics Champion and professional air show pilot says “I LOVE MY NATIONAL” (so will you)!
Patty is very happy about the added comfort on her “A Harness Option”
recently replaced their aircraft and outfitted the new fleet with NATIONAL PARACHUTES. Team leader, Andre Lortie, chose our new ” A” Harness option for the team. They appreciate the improved comfort combined with the convenience of a “standard harness” configuration. Consider this no-additional-charge comfort option on your next parachute!
Have you considered an emergency chute for aerobatic purposes?
Remember, FAR(s) require a parachute for both pilot and
passenger when performing aerobatic maneuvers.
The biggest problem pilots have in choosing a suitable emergency parachute is not having the ability to try on the different “packing configurations” inside their own planes before selecting a model. At our Bremerton National Airport location, we offer you the chance to try on the chute in your own plane and go flying for an hour to try it out.
In our Stearmans we use the “seat packs” because you cannot afford to be pushed forward towards the stick.
Citabrias and Decathlons use the “backpacks” and Pitts, Yaks and Warbirds generally use “seatpacks” but each pilot is different in his or her preference. .
Olde Thyme Aviation, Inc. is your Northwest dealer for NATIONAL PARACHUTE. National Parachute has a great reputation for quality, workmanship and service.
National’s Back Pack was developed with the pilot in mind and is our most popular model. The teardrop shape provides flexibility and maximum comfort even in the tightest cockpits. The shape and size make this model the most all-around universal parachute.
National’s Seat Pack is especially desirable when the cockpit has more vertical space than horizontal. For added comfort, the seat pad has one inch of “Astronaut Foam” above the parachute container (user accessible/adjustable via Velcro closure).
At Olde Thyme Aviation ® , we stock a chute of each model for seating demonstration in your plane.
Contact us by “text” at our daytime (0800 to 1800 PST) phone number (206)-730-1412 to arrange a meeting at our office at the Bremerton Airport Terminal Ask for Ken.
“Try before you buy” is our motto. We will provide you with the models and sizes you request. Put on a parachute and sit in your plane. How does it feel and does it change your posture in the cockpit? Isn’t this a much better way to buy such an important item?
To select the model of parachute you would like to try, review the styles above or go to the NATIONAL PARACHUTE web site at www.nationalparachute.com and read the descriptions of all the models. Then contact us to arrange for your fitting.
Professionals, when choosing a parachute, demand comfort and reliability. They also require top quality, lightweight and low bulk. It is easy to understand why they fly with NATIONAL, the parachute of choice.
(206)-730-1412 or 206-730-1064 and get your free fitting so you can fly with protection and comfort.